02/22/25 - Saturday
Please tell me everything you need
I'm 27 AA small bbw women. Im bi and married. To keep it short I like hearing about what yourwife/husband isn't doing at home and what you need. What you wish they would do for you. Tell me how you wish you could come to me for a night and let me fulfill your every fantasy and continue your life with your partner the next morning. Have you already cheated and want to brag and tell the story of how much wetter she was than you wife? How you wish his tonguewas yours to get every night? How much it turned you on? Are you bi and engaging sex that your partner has no idea you like? I'm just a honrywomen who gets off the secret side of peoples lives. Can keep everything 100 percent anonymous. Don't include your email unless you WANT me to message you back. Not necessarily looking to meet up with anyone unless what we're missing matches up but I want to hear your story no matter what.
ID #1966197989